Archive | March, 2016

Lexi and the Indian Child Welfare Act

22 Mar

The Indian Child Welfare Act was enacted in 1978 to protect the breakup of the Native American communities by ensuring Native American children were attempted to be placed within the tribe before adoption or foster placement outside the tribe occurred. 

Unfortunately, this act has become a reality for a foster family of a six year old little girl in Santa Clarita. Lexi, age 6, has been living with her foster family since the age of 2.  Lexi’s family was in the process of trying to adopt Lexi when they lost a court hearing which found in favor of the Indian Child Welfare Act.

Yesterday, Lexi was removed from her home and will be placed into the custody of extended family of her fathers in Utah. 

Lexis foster family is expected to file a motion for stay in the Supreme Court.